Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lekker wandelen van NL tot Duitsland met Pintooo....

Last Sunday was a nice sunny day in this cold windy autumn season. Sun was so kind to gave its shine to my place in Netherland. I was thinking to go out,, go to centrum? ah, noo... see Carnaval in Maastricht? i don't want wear carnaval costume anyway.. and then somehow my mind was flew to Pinto, Marcel's dad dog ( Marcel is my boyfriend name ) I like kinda dog like Pinto, with hotdog body shape, sexy butt, and fool looks.. lol^^. I asked Marcel directly to take walks around with Pinto.

We start walked from housing complex, then passing field, then finally we already arrived in Germany.. :D Sometimes we need to keep Pinto away when there's another dog around,, Pinto like battle with other dog.. ^^ 

When walked, we often talked about Germany. Marcel said houses in Germany are cheaper than in Netherlands, we can get a big house with the price we pay for a small house in Netherlands. Well, i thought maybe due to Germany is bigger than Netherlands, so land in Netherlands become expensive. Second, Germany people are more religious than Nederlander. Hmm.. maybe,, because i'm never stay in Germany for long time, as i know Nederlander are not religious as i seen from many empty seats in church.. :p Third, Germany put electricity in above ground, i mean they still use electricity pillar on the side of a street, while in Netherlands electricity put in the ground for safety. Fourth, mostly Germany people make family cemetery  like husband & wife who buried in side by side or one in under and one in top. Take a lot of money for that kind cemetery, Nederlander don't want spend money for that anyway. Below is a family cemetery complex, in the front of the cemetery is a chapel to held a church service for dead people or people who want to pray for dead people.

Cemetery's chapel

Husband & wife cemetery


  1. This is a great post! I had no idea houses were cheaper in Germany than the Netherlands. I would have never guessed that to be honest!

  2. Thank u Samuel..
    Well, i think almost all in Germany are cheaper than in Netherlands.
